1. After the nurse specifically told you to not move you decided to not listen and fell onto the hard floor. Who got you help?
2.I understand that you are pretty much deaf. Who didn't ask you to turn off your TV , but instead offered you headphones?
3. Since I'm by the window and you are by the bathroom, who would wait till morning to use the bathroom so that I wouldn't have to to turn on the lights at night to disturb you.
4.who doesn't complain when you keep your TV on and blasting ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT LONG,calls nurses for you when your IV beeps so the alarm doesn't keep going off
The list goes on and on.
The reason I went to the nurses station and found a nurse that speaks Spanish is because I want to make sure you understand every damn word that comes out of my mouth! I'm the one that does and did all those tings for you, because I was raised to be respectful of my neighbors and my elders. I didn't know what you were here for and I was trying tot be polite. But, apparently you don't care. You need to pop open a Snapple, sit in a corner, and reflect on the fact that you are getting ripped a new asshole in English and Spanish right now while in the hospital because you are a disrespectful, rude,old bastard who doesn't know how to speak to people and thinks people have to be nicer to you because you're old and that you'll get a away with your rude comments and behavior because you claim you don't understand English and what is going on. But, you seemed to know what was going on when you decided to yell at my visitors and myself earlier and amazingly it was in English. Wow, a miracle! When my guest were here you were gone and we didn't know you had returned. If we were too loud all you had to do was make you return known and we would've quieted down or even gone to the lounge. You would rather scream and yell and make a scene. Making my guest uncomfortable. Now you have a very angry guy educating you while you are crapping your hospital gown. I once had a great shrink named Dr. Weiss and he told me that the happiest people you'll ever meet are assholes. They don't care about anyone else just themselves and are blind to what is being done for them and feel entitled to treat people any which way. While being kind to you the only thing that was happening was making me uncomfortable and I was the one going without. Well you sir are an asshole and you better learn to think twice before you decide to disrespect my friends or myself. I'm not having a good time here and my give a damn is very thin. If you show your ass like that again I will make sure that the rest of your time in this hospital will not be a pleasant one. I will do my best to make sure that you are as uncomfortable as you have been making me.
I'm sorry I had to embarrass you this way, but I went got a translator so that there would be no chance of miscommunication. So sit there and reflect and hopefully when your hospital stay is over you feel a bit better and also leave a better person.
You don't need to say anything because you said plenty earlier.
So Sip!
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