Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Screw the bedbugs! BEWARE THE LEECHES!

   If you live in NYC you can't go anywhere without being reminded of the ongoing threat of bedbugs. I'm not going to explain what they are, here's a link: bedbugs?
   But, as i was sitting here watching my blood being filtered by a machine, I'll get on my organ donation soapbox later, I was reflecting on the conversations I've had with my friends and realized that there is a huge epidemic taking over the city just like bed bugs. I'm talking about leeches! Not the kind that live in water and attach and suck your blood; once used to treat medical conditions. I'm talking about the human kind.  
    Beware these leeches are sneaky and come in many disguises, your friends, family, co-workers, anyone.  They come in like a vampires drain your patience, your charity, time, energy, dignity, and respect! But wait there's more!  Some have this ability to make you feel guilty for demanding  the respect and gratitude you deserve and then refuse to accept the consequences that are of result of the situation that they, not YOU have put themselves in.
   So Q, what does one do if they find themselves dealing with a leech? 
     Well, the first step is summon your inner Claire Huxtable ( if you're new to my blog you got some catching up to do!)  Then you need to take a moment and have a chat with your leech. Be prepared, they may yell, cry, call you names, or just be stone cold quiet. Let them know how you are feeling and then give them a deadline to leave, get a job, clean their mess, get their ass in gear, whatever they need to do at that moment.  Make sure they are aware of what will happen if these changes aren't made. Be very clear that you will no longer accepting whatever behavior that has been really ticking you off. You will be treated with the respect and gratitude you deserve. And finally, stick to your guns. Do not back down.  I was told to never make promises or ultimatums that you don't intend on keeping.   
  Please don't let your emotions get the best of you and just go off.  You catch more flies with shade and honey than with vinegar.  Say what you need to say in a calm manner and get it done.  If the leeches are truly friends they will might get angry but will realize that this is for their own good. If they pitch a fit and attack you. maybe you need to evaluate your relationship.   If this a work situation, please follow the proper channels as set by your place of employment. No sense in getting fired because your give a damn broke!
QtheBowtiedOne has spoken!
   Thanks to everyone that has shown their support for my blog and please don't forget to follow on here, subscribe to it, share it with your friends, and follow me on twitter @QttheBowtiedOne!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!! Yes!!!! Sick and tired of them darn leeches!!! They betta hope they don't suck you until the " I don't give a flute" point! Then you just don't give a plum, dumb, and make them run home crying to they momma!!!! GET RID OF YOUR LEECHES!!!!
