Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sit and Sip! P.O.A.S.A.Reflect!

   To the nasty monkey riding the bus in Harlem yesterday with me. You need to pop open a Snapple and reflect on the fact that you are not as smart, funny, nor cute as you think you are.  Picking on the young lady with Down's syndrome  was absurd enough because you were no vision of beauty,but while you sit and sip, I wanted to point a few things out to you.
1. You teased her clothes,yet you weren't wearing anything of a recognizable brand. You were wearing way too tight jeans, old high tops, and a hoodie.  She was wearing cute navy slacks, a button-up and a cardigan. 
2.Her bag may not have been designer, but it wasn't fake like yours!
3.You and your pack teased her hair, but she had a very nice weave, pretty and fresh, yet you were sporting a very stingy ponytail.
4.You of course made fun of her face, yet her make up was lovely and well done and your face, well let me put it this way, I've seen better skin on a lumberjack's ass. I wanted to throw  ProActive on you as a charitable act!
   Clearly she is doing much better for herself than you are.   I hope that teasing her made you feel real good about yourself, because in my eyes and the eyes of everyone else on that bus you are nothing more than a disgusting hood rat that deserves to stay in the gutter.   So sit in a corner pop open a Snapple and reflect on that!
Much love,
More posting coming up this week.  I would love to say I've been on vacation, but that wasn't the case.   Anyway, I back and my claws are sharper than ever.  QtheBowtiedOne is back! Don't forget to follow and share! Let's grow together.